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Mac 11, 2024

[Fintech News Malaysia] PolicyStreet Offers Accident Coverage, Loan Protection for Auto Repairs

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
Januari 22, 2024

[e27] The Rise of Unlicensed Money Lenders and Their Impact on Malaysian Society

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
Oktober 13, 2023

[BFM] Marketplace Direct Lending’s Move Into Embedded Financing

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
Oktober 2, 2023

[theSun] Direct Lending’s Auto Service Financing Sees Rapid Growth

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
Ogos 29, 2023

[Utusan Malaysia] Direct Lending, Petronas Autoexpert Perkenal Pelan Ansuran Servis Kereta Patuh Syariah

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
Jun 4, 2023

[Utusan Malaysia] #DIRECTBANTU+ Ringankan Beban Kewangan Rakyat

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
September 5, 2017

[Vulcan Post] These M’sians Are Bringing A Tech Upgrade To A Field Dominated By Banks And Ah Longs

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.