Attention: No +60166305261 is no longer in service for Civil Servant's Bank and Koperasi Loans. Click the WhatsApp icon below to contact us.
Perhatian: No +60166305261 tidak lagi digunakan untuk Pinjaman Bank & Koperasi. Klik icon WhatsApp di bawah untuk hubungi kami.

Direct Lending

Direct Lending is an online personal lending marketplace, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suit them. Financing products on our platform are Shariah-compliant and are provided by RCE Capital Berhad (a Bursa Malaysia listed company), Public Islamic Bank, Koperasi KOBETA, Koperasi KOPUTRI and Koperasi Ukhwah. In addition, we also collaborate with JCL Credit Leasing, a licensed lender registered under KPKT.

September 6, 2019

Direct Lending Terima Geran Bernilai RM300,000 daripada Cradle Fund

Direct Lending Sdn. Bhd. (Direct Lending), sebuah platform pinjaman peribadi dalam talian telah menerima sebuah geran bernilai RM300,000