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October 5, 2022

6 Great Budget-Friendly DIY Home Deco Ideas for Hari Raya

With Eid Mubarak is just around the corner, the anticipation and excitement of the believers are at peak.
February 25, 2020

How to Survive On a Low-Income Salary in Malaysia

According to a recent survey by Hays Asia, about 46% of Malaysians are unhappy with their salary as they are expecting a much higher pay.
January 21, 2020

Pros vs Cons: Hypermarkets and Your Neighbourhood ‘Kedai Runcit’

For some people, shopping for groceries can be a tortuous experience. They find it more challenging to stretch the Ringgit and having to fork out much more for a regular amount of groceries.
April 20, 2017

How to Start a Business While Having Your Day Job

Starting a business is tough work. But to start a business and keep a day job; that is even tougher!