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June 18, 2024

How To Save Money in Malaysia? 15 Creative Ways

There is no doubt that there are a handful of people whose salaries are always insufficient and worst, run out before the next one. So the question is, how to save money in Malaysia?
June 4, 2024

6 Smart Ways To Grow Your Emergency Fund

Have you ever thought of what you might do if you are suddenly faced with a RM40,000 medical surgery bill?
April 24, 2024

8 Ways to Save for Your Children Education Fund

In the more recent years, the state of the economy has been fluctuating in an unprecedented manner that it has become even more important to have a steady amount of savings, especially for your children education fund.
April 23, 2024

16 Ways To Buy House in Malaysia With Little-to-No Money Down

Owning a home is definitely one of the things that people would name as a ‘life goal’, and it even serves as a status symbol apart from being a source of comfort.
April 18, 2024

Should You Rent or Buy House With a Salary Below RM3K in Malaysia?

“Should I rent or buy house?” is probably a question that gets pondered a lot by Malaysians, especially now that property prices have been consistently rising.
March 4, 2024

10 Financial Tips Every Working Adults in Malaysia Should Know

Recent statistics have shown that more than half of Malaysians admit to not having enough savings to survive on for longer than 3 months.
December 29, 2023

How to Save Money From Salary Below RM3,000

There are many individuals who still struggle to save money from salary or earned income. In fact, many could not survive throughout the month and end up borrowing either from banks or family and friends.
October 17, 2022

50/30/20 Rule For Easy Financial Management

Based on research done for Keupayaan dan Rangkuman Kewangan 2018, there are still many Malaysian that have low confidence, especially in their financial planning.
December 19, 2019

Is it Better to Pay Debt or Invest?

The question is simple, but it requires careful thinking. Before giving your answer, let us look at the fundamental difference between the two.