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April 24, 2024

8 Things to Check Before Signing a Personal Loan Agreement in Malaysia

Applying for a personal loan is easy and convenient these days. Why? This is because you do not need to provide any collateral or offer security to obtain cash.
April 23, 2024

16 Ways To Buy House in Malaysia With Little-to-No Money Down

Owning a home is definitely one of the things that people would name as a ‘life goal’, and it even serves as a status symbol apart from being a source of comfort.
April 19, 2024

Credit Score Malaysia: All You Need to Know Before Applying for Loans

Do you know what a credit score is, and why is it so important when it comes to applying for loans and credit cards?
April 19, 2024

What is Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) & How to Use it in Malaysia

Many consumers have started switching to cashless payment methods especially during the pandemic because it’s a much safer option as compared to cash payments.
April 18, 2024

What Is Bankruptcy in Malaysia And Best Ways To Discharge From It

Bankruptcy is something that is justifiably feared by many as it carries a bad reputation to the offender and to an extent, their loved ones.
April 18, 2024

Should You Rent or Buy House With a Salary Below RM3K in Malaysia?

“Should I rent or buy house?” is probably a question that gets pondered a lot by Malaysians, especially now that property prices have been consistently rising.
April 5, 2024

10 Best Ways To Pay Off Car Loan Faster

According to a survey done by Rakuten Insight in 2019, 61% of the Malaysia population owns a car. As of 2020 April, there were 31.2 million units of cars registered, while the Malaysia population is 31.9 million.
April 5, 2024

6 Car Loan Approval Criteria In Malaysia

The term ‘car loan’ is a term that is familiar to most of us and it is very commonly talked as car is a necessary asset to have now. It is the best not to only rely on the public transport for our daily commute.
April 4, 2024

10 Steps To Reduce Your Monthly Debt Commitment

A critical component of personal finance is avoiding debt build up. It is worth noting the current trend in bankruptcy cases in Malaysia, where one of the major causes of bankruptcy has been attributed to personal loans.