There has been a lot of media coverage about loan scammers going on lately, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Usually loan scammers have these few tricks under their sleeve.
“Should I rent or buy house?” is probably a question that gets pondered a lot by Malaysians, especially now that property prices have been consistently rising.
Those whose source of income has been dwindling down and are unable to apply for the moratorium or not eligible for one might consider a personal loan application instead.
“Your loan is rejected because you have a bad CCRIS or CTOS record”. Have you been told this before by a bank officer? And you are wondering, “What is CCRIS and CTOS?”.
Applying for a personal loan is easy and convenient these days. Why? This is because you do not need to provide any collateral or offer security to obtain cash.
Owning a home is definitely one of the things that people would name as a ‘life goal’, and it even serves as a status symbol apart from being a source of comfort.