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July 12, 2021

[INFOGRAPHIC] Moratorium: 6-Month Automatic Loan Repayment Deferment

Ekonomi (PEMULIH), individual borrowers, microentrepreneurs and SME owners that are financially affected by the pandemic are able to apply for a 6-month moratorium starting from the 7th of July 2021.
April 6, 2021

Should You Use Personal Loan To Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

The greatest mess one can experience is to wallow in credit card debt. Credit cards ominously changed the spending habits of many.
August 16, 2020

6 Self Help Tips to Cope with Post Loan Moratorium

Many struggled with the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid the pandemic, the government announced an automatic 6-month moratorium or known as deferment on all loans or financing repayments from 1 April to 30 September 2020; providing financial relief to individuals and businesses who face financial adversities to cope during this challenging period.
July 6, 2020

Should You Take Out A Personal Loan For Business?

A way to ensure you have enough cash to support or grow your business is to take out a loan. You can either apply for a personal loan or a business loan.