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April 2, 2024

Credit Card Vs Personal Loan – Which One Should You Get?

There comes a time where we may find ourselves in need of a huge sum of money whether it is to foot the bill of unforeseen business expenses or for emergency purposes like paying the medical fees of a vital surgery.
April 1, 2024

What is Islamic Personal Loan & the Differences with Conventional Personal Loan

A typical conventional bank earns money from interest by lending out money to consumers.
April 1, 2024

[INFOGRAPHIC] Differences between CCRIS and CTOS

CCRIS and CTOS are some of the crucial terms that are often mentioned during loan and financing application processes.
March 29, 2024

Is Licensed Moneylender Considered an ‘Ah Long’?

The recent case of loan sharks charging RM500 for every 30 minutes delay in repayment is not an exaggeration. This case happened to an insurance agent who borrowed RM3,000 and paid the full amount.
March 29, 2024

5 Useful Personal Loan Application Tips, Don’t Fall Victim To Ah Long!

Those whose source of income has been dwindling down and are unable to apply for the moratorium or not eligible for one might consider a personal loan application instead.
March 27, 2024

What Happens to Your Debt When You Die?

What happens to your debt when you die? As grim as it may sound, this is something that a loan borrower should give a serious thought.
March 25, 2024

Impact of Base Rate (BR) & Revised Reference Rate Towards Your Loan

The Reference Rate Framework was introduced in 1983, where the Base Lending Rate (BLR) was used as the reference rate for retail floating-rate loans.
March 25, 2024

5 Things to Watch Out for as a Loan Guarantor

The increasing consumers price in our country is not something new or unfamiliar, on the contrary, almost every year this issue arises.
March 21, 2024

11 Smarter Ways To Refinance Housing Loan

“Get money from home refinancing? How does that work?” Perhaps some of us are not aware that the homes we live in can actually bring us some extra cash.