The biggest cargo people carry these days is debt. Borrowing, including the use of credit cards, is habit-forming. Once you get caught in the habit, you run the risk of spending more than you can really afford.
Are you currently short on funds and thinking of applying for a personal loan, but not sure how to? Or you have apply and wonder how does your personal loan approved?
There has been a lot of media coverage about loan scammers going on lately, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Usually loan scammers have these few tricks under their sleeve.
“Your loan is rejected because you have a bad CCRIS or CTOS record”. Have you been told this before by a bank officer? And you are wondering, “What is CCRIS and CTOS?”.
When talking about interest rate and repayment for loans, you might come across various terminologies such as flat rates, effective rates, fixed rates, and floating rates.