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A UiTM graduate, digital marketer and content creator since 2018. Sera writes about anything, from career advice, lifestyles, and finance. A person who cannot live without coffee, and sometimes she spends too much time on Twitter and TikTok.

February 28, 2024

Credit Card Application Declined? Here Are 7 Possible Reasons Why

We all have experienced getting rejected before, after a job interview, by someone we admire…but getting rejected by a bank can truly hurt!
February 14, 2024

What Is a Personal Loan & The 5 Things You Should Know Before Applying

Personal loans are popular among individuals in Malaysia due to their wide availability.
February 1, 2024

3 Best Ways To Overlap Loan Effectively

It cannot be denied that taking up loan is risky especially if the borrower has a bad repayment pattern and lack of money management skill.
January 22, 2024

[e27] The Rise of Unlicensed Money Lenders and Their Impact on Malaysian Society

Direct Lending started in 2016 as a digital lending marketplace platform, enabling borrowers to find, apply and receive financing that best suits them safely and affordably.
January 22, 2024

11 Ways To Get Emergency Cash Immediately Malaysia Edition

What would happend if you are in a desperate need of emergency cash immediately? If you are lucky and financially aware, you might have a saving or an emergency fund.
January 5, 2024

12 Steps to Achieve Your Financial Goals 2024

The past two years have been extremely challenging to many as we are still combating the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
December 29, 2023

How to Save Money From Salary Below RM3,000

There are many individuals who still struggle to save money from salary or earned income. In fact, many could not survive throughout the month and end up borrowing either from banks or family and friends.
November 24, 2022

6 Tips To Start Save Money For A Wedding In Malaysia

Tying the knot between you and your loved one is a human nature and the ultimate goal in every relationship, but this modern century have brought us into the realization that save money for wedding in plan also means that it is not going to be sufficient with just the intention to, but also the amount of efforts needed to make it happen.
October 18, 2022

10 Budget-Friendly Wedding Checklist Malaysia Edition

The pandemic has brought some silver lining to us in terms of scaling back on wedding costs in Malaysia.