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Perhatian: No +60166305261 tidak lagi digunakan untuk Pinjaman Bank & Koperasi. Klik icon WhatsApp di bawah untuk hubungi kami.
A UiTM graduate, digital marketer and content creator since 2018. Sera writes about anything, from career advice, lifestyles, and finance. A person who cannot live without coffee, and sometimes she spends too much time on Twitter and TikTok.
One of the benefits of working as a civil servant is that you are entitled to a variety of Islamic personal loan that are Syariah-compliant, which serves as a great alternative as compared to those who are self-employed or working in the private sector.
People these days have easy access to credit. You can either apply for a personal loan or swipe your credit card to obtain money for emergency, important milestone spending, or to fund lifestyle needs.
Have you ever tried to apply for any loan like applying for personal loan, house loan or car loan through bank but your application was rejected due to your high Debt Service Ratio (DSR).
Many thought that with a bad CCRIS and CTOS record, they are unable to apply for financing as they are considered being ‘blacklisted’. So, some of you may want to settle this but unsure of how to clear name from CTOS and CCRIS record.
The Malaysian public is increasingly moving towards cashless payment modes, and this financial innovation seems to continue to evolve, signifying a positive shift for our society.
The biggest cargo people carry these days is debt. Borrowing, including the use of credit cards, is habit-forming. Once you get caught in the habit, you run the risk of spending more than you can really afford.